How to Update Bias and Bias’s Weight Using Backpropagation Algorithm?
Let’s explore the details of how biases and their weights are updated using the backpropagation algorithm:...
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Cluster Sampling
Sampling is a technique mostly used in data analysis and research. It is a technique in which we select a small part of the entire population to find out insights and draw conclusions about the whole population. Sampling can be done in many ways, and one of the common types of sampling is Clustered Sampling. In this article, we will see cluster sampling and its implementation in Python....
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Ethical Considerations in Natural Language Processing: Bias, Fairness, and Privacy
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has ushered in a technological revolution in recent years, empowering computers to understand human languages and process unstructured data. While the benefits of NLP are abundant and have transformative potential, it is important to recognize the ethical implications that arise with this newfound power. In this article, we will delve into the ethical considerations in NLP, with a focus on bias, fairness, and privacy, and explore how these considerations can be addressed....
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State Space Search in AI
An essential method in artificial intelligence is state space search, which looks for potential states and their transitions to solve issues. According to this method, the problem is modeled as a state space, with each state representing a possible configuration and transitions denoting actions or operations that change the state of the problem. Finding a route that meets predetermined requirements from an initial state to a goal state is the aim....
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Probabilistic Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence
Probabilistic reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the use of probability theory to model and manage uncertainty in decision-making processes. This approach is fundamental in creating intelligent systems that can operate effectively in complex, real-world environments where information is often incomplete or noisy....
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What is Hybrid AI and its Architecture?
In the field of artificial intelligence, hybrid AI is an exciting perspective. The concept of hybrid AI is a promising direction where various AI technologies are combined to strengthen response development. The structure of hybrid AI has been analyzed in practice. In this article, we explore what hybrid AI is and uncover its architecture....
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What is DeepMind and How does it Work
In the dramatic technology foundation, few transformations have stirred the imagination of the world as deep as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Not only science fiction but also AI turned out to be one of the key drivers of industry change with its ability to solve the most complex problems and to move forward in the quest of human knowledge. In the arms race dubbed AI revolution, Google DeepMind, a pioneer in the field, stands out, as it has been performing at the highest level and continues to strive for human-like AI systems....
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Data Science Blogathon 2024 – From Data to Intelligence
Attention, data science enthusiasts, AI aspirants, and machine learning masterminds! Are you passionate about delving into the fascinating world of data science? Do you desire to showcase your expertise and contribute to a vibrant community? Then the GeeksforGeeks Data Science Blogathon is your perfect platform to shine!...
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Novelty Detection with Local Outlier Factor (LOF) in Scikit Learn
Novelty detection is the task of identifying previously unseen data points as being different from the “normal” data points in a dataset. It is used in a variety of applications, such as fraud detection, error detection, and outlier detection....
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How to Union Pandas DataFrames using Concat?
concat() function does all of the heavy liftings of performing concatenation operations along an axis while performing optional set logic (union or intersection) of the indexes (if any) on the other axes....
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Parameters for Feature Selection
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How to handle Noise in Machine learning?
Random or irrelevant data that intervene in learning’s is termed as noise....
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